MLM Network Marketing Online

Thursday, January 19

Instant Everything

Instant Everything – NWM is not about getting rich quick

Great reminder from Michael Clouse in my inbox this morning :)

Expect Success!


Instant Everything
by Michael S. Clouse

A man stands in front of that rectangular shaped, nuclear-
particle device some call a microwave, mumbling under his
breath, "Come on, come on, why is this thing taking so long?"

All I can do is shake my head, and wonder if anyone ever informed
our got-to have-it-yesterday guy the reason we call it a lunch hour?

Well, the lunch hour is one thing, but now this "instant mentality"
has found its way into Network Marketing. And what's worse is
that more than a few distributors have bought into this "Get rich
overnight! I did. So can you!" ridiculously misguided belief.

Personally, aren't you a bit tired of the all the half-truths,
exaggerations, and lies being perpetuated in our industry? And
yet, we see them every day--hundreds of unsolicited e-mails,
countless ads in opportunity seekers magazines, and even the
occasional postcard--all promising instant riches, and no downline
to build, because they will do all the work for you! Just complete
the simple on-line application--include your credit card number
to cover your required sucker fee--sit back and relax.

Easy street here you come!

Let me give you three examples of what I mean...

To finish reading this week's Nexera e-News article,
go here and select any "Nexera e-News" link!

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